It Hurts to be Horizontal

Witty (or possibly lame) banter between two friends.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

The First Time

I would drive by the place I first had sex but 1. I don't have a car 2. It was somewhere in San Francisco. Yes, I lost my virginity in San Francisco. I think there's a song written about that somewhere....

It's not weird that you can't drive by the place you lost your virginity and not think about it. I always think about losing my virginity when I hear the song "Don't You Forget About Me" by Simple Minds or talk about or see "The Breakfast Club" because that's the movie I saw the day I lost it. ON A SOFA IN SAN FRANCISCO! Isn't that romantic? Ah, the memories - using a spermicidal suppository I stole from my sister and nothing else.... I suppose I'm very lucky I haven't ever gotten knocked up. Not that I am careless, just - you know... I figure my eggs are getting to be few and far between so hey - If I happen to get a bun in my oven it might be a good thing. I could always sell it.

I redeemed my scratch ticket today and the lady gave me fifty bucks.. maybe I misread the ticket or I am very lucky. I guess I'll buy beer and get my eyebrows done! Things are looking up... Now if I could just get a little lovin'!


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