It Hurts to be Horizontal

Witty (or possibly lame) banter between two friends.

Friday, June 30, 2006

I think Matt needs a vacation...

It's a good thing he's taking a few days off. Okay, so here's a little talk about the title of this blog... It hurts to be horizontal - it refers to a statement I made to my friend Karolina one day when we were walking to school. I was saying that I can't really sleep too late because at a certain point my body hurts to be horizontal (it literally aches...). It sucks when your body falls apart... It's not too bad nowadays but some mornings it hurts to move.

On my walk home from school today I was thinking about weather or not exes can be friends. I would really like to think that it is possible if both parties can get past all that weirdness that surrounds you when your fresh off the split. There's a few people in my life I'd like to be friends with...Maybe it will happen someday...


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