It Hurts to be Horizontal

Witty (or possibly lame) banter between two friends.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Cat Still Missing...

Another VENT. I HATE when I write a long, thought out, blog only to have the system either go: "Server Not Found" or some such crap or have it just go away. That PISSES ME OFF.

And, of course, surprisingly, I can't cut and paste what I've written. I can probably write this in WORD and THEN cut and paste - but who wants to do that?!

So, let me see if I remember what I just wrote before the piece of crap decided to say: "Server not found!"

First, Cat is still missing. Heavy sigh. Not much we can do now, but to wait and wonder.

Jen's admission that she's willing to pole/lap/floor dance while naked or wearing next to nothing - proves once again that she's the perfect woman (who is single). C'mon guys! Let's go. You're letting a good thing slip away.

Didn't get the DLA Piper job. Not that I wanted it, either - but still. I'M A LOSER! I can't get a job I'm overqualified for and my cat has run away from me. Oh well.

Enough venting.

Hey! When was the last time you had a "sno ball?" You know those pastries (if you can call them that) covered with coconutty type shreddings. Did they come in both Pink and White or just Pink.


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