It Hurts to be Horizontal

Witty (or possibly lame) banter between two friends.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Where's the Bomb?

When we need it?

You see, when I was a kid, the Russians were about to drop "The Big One" on us. Reagan was in the WH and he and Yeltsin would stare at each other over the Berlin wall and we were increasingly told that we could blow up the world 800 times over.

So, really, what was the point of just "hanging around" when the bomb was going to drop anyway.

Now, here I am. 42 years of age, wasting away in a dead-end job, pulling down a paycheck so I can have a roof over my head and then wondering when/if I'll sell a screenplay.

You see, it's all Reagan's fault. If I had not so strongly believe that by the time I graduated High School I'd be tooling around in a modified car killing mutant radioactive heads like in "Road Warrior" not, actually, well...look didn't I have to have a life.

So, much like Jen saying that the waiting is the longest part (thank you Jen and Tom Petty) it's also the fact that I, personally, didn't think we'd be here. You know, why grow a brain, if it's just going to be eaten away by radiation - like those mutant rats in "Damnation Alley."

Oh, well, must perservere - right?

Yes. I VANT TO LIVE! DAMVIT! (German Accent)


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