It Hurts to be Horizontal

Witty (or possibly lame) banter between two friends.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Horizontally speaking...

Hi Matt, I got up early this morning so I thought I would post something. I find that I am very busy lately - things are going so fast. Before you know it school will be over and I'll be back in Seattle (hopefully).

I've been taking a writing class this semester called Text off the Page. It's about making art based from or derived from or containing text. In the end we will have a show with some of our work. I've been thinking about t-shirts that people wear that say things like Security, or Traffic Management Authority etc... and thought why don't I make a bunch of t-shirts that say things like emotionally unstable or single and looking or clinically depressed.... things that state what people are but cannot always say. What would that mean? or how would people react to those shirts. Just an idea...

I'm sure I've asked you about this but I don't remember... do you ever write short stories or are they always screenplays? Okay I'm hotter than a dog on fire so I have to go.


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