It Hurts to be Horizontal

Witty (or possibly lame) banter between two friends.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Happy Friday

Hey, Jen, no worries...

I know you love me and that if I was single and you were in Washington State we would, you know, go to the movies or something and hang out. I know your love for me blinds you sometimes to the simple things in life, like birthdays and deodorant - and that's okay. I understand. I'm all a swoon, too, when I look in the mirror. Something about a man with a bald head.

Hey! Have you gone to the website for my script:

You should go. It's a lot of fun. And there' s a picture of my bald head.

Nothing new here. Feeling tired and lonely and frustrated (sexually and otherwise).

New stuff going on with the script. It's now going to 5 major Hollywood Producers for "feedback." Let's hope they all universally think it kicks fucking ass.

Love you.



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