It Hurts to be Horizontal

Witty (or possibly lame) banter between two friends.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

NBC Hypocracy

Okay, hypocracy is probably spelled wrong. My bad.

I was going to write something really witty and long about NBC this week but was BUSY BUSY BUSY at work and was not able to get to it. I STARTED, but didn't get back to it.

Here's the basic deal. The Today show paraded Debra "I had sex with a 15 year old student" LeFave on. Layered make-up, nice lighting and gave her something of an hour or so of Matt Lauer basically trying to get in her pants. (Okay, maybe I'm wrong on that last part.) She, basically, blamed her sex with her student due to her "bi-polar" disorder.

Let me just say it clear right here: BULLSHIT! Bi-polar my ass. She's a slut whore predator bitch who ruined some guy's life and Matt Lauer parades her around like a made-up bitch at the Westminster dog show (can you tell I've had a couple glasses of wine).

Well, here is the hypocracy part... The SAME NIGHT that they have this "indepth interview" with the hot sexy blond they do a "Dateline NBC" show about "How to Catch a Predator" parading these F'ing idiots from Georgia who traveled miles to get into the pants of a 13 year old. Not one of these guys gets to sit, one on one, with Matt Lauer and cry and sob and talk about why their "Bi-Polar disorder" caused them to send e-mails and then drive over and bring a six pack of Zima for a little teenage nookie. Assholes! All of them. Lock 'em up and throw away the F'ing key AND THAT INCLUDES blondie Debra Lafave.

All in all - YUCK.


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