It Hurts to be Horizontal

Witty (or possibly lame) banter between two friends.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Script News...

Well... There's nothing really to say. We had hoped to have it going out to all these people that Melinda know on Wednesday the 13th but...when we told her we were nearly ready she went: WAIT!! DON'T RUSH IT! TAKE YOUR TIME!

Or whatever. So we've delayed it for a week. We've pulled in another writer just to give us a fresh read and I've talked to a writing friend who is willing to take a look. I've gone back into the script and found a number of little typos and things that need to be fixed so it's probably BEST that we hold off on it for a bit.'s all good.

If I was to put a date on it, I would say the date for distribution and hope for sale would be September 20 to 22nd. That is, if Melinda thinks it is worthy to try and send out. We shall see....we shall see...

Having a garage sale tomorrow. Hope we sell a lot of crap.


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