It Hurts to be Horizontal

Witty (or possibly lame) banter between two friends.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Secrets on Shirts

I like your idea. Much like I like and it's continuing "ART" of having people create postcards with their secrets on them.

Like you say, what if people put on shirts things they want to say, but won't say. I remember years ago my step-sister bought a shirt that said: "I'm a virgin...this is an old shirt." Why someone would want to advertise this, is beyond me - but back in High School it was a bit of a status symbol to announce: "Hey I've gotten laid!" (Or NOT announce it) But what about shirts that say: "I Swallow."

I really like your idea. I think you could come up with a lot of them. But then you can also think about why people DO wear shirts like the above. What is the purpose? Like why do people put bumper stickers on their cars that define their religion, or their political party, or their hatred of religion? It comes down to the deeper question of how do we define ourselves and can we keep it all inside? Forever? Or is there a part of us that wants to say: "Fuck it. I'm wearing the shirt that says: "Single. Horny. Have sex with me." or "Yes, I'm still a virgin."

Talk to you soon.

Sorry I haven't blogged for a while... :)


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