I will tell you that I, for one, am of the "let it all hang out type" - basically:
"Here's what you're buying, you either like it, or don't. You either want to try it, or don't. I don't have time for BS, I don't have time for games. I'm going to pick my nose, I'm going to fart on occasion. I will make snide comments about people and I'm going to buy fruit loops and eat red meat once in a while. But... I am also an extremely passionate person in all concepts, sexually, spiritually, mentally, physically. That means I believe in myself, I know who I am and where I'm going. You can jump on this ride if you want and I'll show you the best time you've ever had. If you can't handle all of me, warts and all, then you don't deserve me. One roll in the hay and you'll wonder if you've died and gone to heaven - and that roll in the hay won't happen on the first date or even the third date. It'll happen when I'm damn good and ready to make it happen. Now that's me - here's what I want from you: Honesty. Passion. Skills in the kitchen, bedroom and the garage (can you change the oil in your car?). Are you afraid of oral sex? Is the woman's orgasm as important to you as your own? What do you want to be when you grow up? I don't care if you hate your job - as long as you're striving to make yourself better and push yourself to be who you really want to be. That's a good question: Who the hell are you? Spiritually, physically, mentally, sexually? What's your favorite color? What's your favorite movie? What's your favorite kind of pizza? Simple questions that have deeper meanings. Are you afraid of falling in love?"
That's what I would say - if I was Jen.