It Hurts to be Horizontal

Witty (or possibly lame) banter between two friends.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I've been thinking about you....

In a good way.

I'm trying to search out some old files and, lo and behold, I find all the old paperwork you did when you worked here at Ethel Merman. So that made me think of you.

The fact that you're now 40 and I wasn't able to celebrate with you made me think of you.

The fact that I went out on Saturday Night and spent $83 on food and alcohol and another $14 on cover charges only to be ignored by my wife later that evening - okay, I didn't think about you about that, but still, spent $100+ dollars that night and no nookie! What's the world coming to.

Okay, back to you. Thinking about when you'll be coming home and your first party on your return (and hoping that Steve can come). That should be fun. I don't know if I ever told you what happened after your LAST party that both Steve and Miriam went to....

And your sweet calls to me.

I've been thinking about you... :)


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