It Hurts to be Horizontal

Witty (or possibly lame) banter between two friends.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

When was it ever okay...

to be loud in a Library????

Maybe it's because my dad was one... but seriously...

Hi Matt, If you haven't guessed it I'm in the library working.... not nearly as interesting as working in the Downtown Seattle Public Library.... That Rem Koolhaus (I think that's how you spell his name...)....

What's shaking?


Thursday, February 15, 2007

I beg your pardon...

They are not minor celebrities!!!

Half-Naked Man Photos....


Besides freezing your "tootsies" off and taking blurry pictures of minor celebrities, what else did you do? Did you go to Letterman? Stop at the "Hello Deli" and get a sandwich?

Did you go "walking through park, dancing in the dark and reminiscing?"


My last day at Heller is tomorrow/Tuesday. I officially start at Williams Lea on Tuesday, or Wednesday. I don't really know which.

I'm nervous as all get-out. It would be different if I was actually going to a different job some place, you know, starting over from scratch. But to, basically, be in the same job, same place, same pay, same co-workers, but...different hours, different paycheck, different benefits, etc. It's, frankly, f**king weird.

We'll see how it all plays out.

On Tuesday I'm supposed to get a bunch of checks. One for my vacation, one for my last week of work, or something, two weeks severance, a bonus check, a check for my Cobra or something... I really have no idea how much I may be getting. I'm kind of nervous about that, too. I should help pay for a good friend's root canal but I've got a potential professional digital camera I want to buy. Call me selfish (SELFISH!) call me self centered (SELF CENTERED!) but, at least I'm cheap. (Cheap ass lazy selfish, self centered bastard.) Okay, I can live with that.

Ann, Al, Natalie and Matt.

So I got to the Today show a little late and I didn't make it on camera... actually there were only a few people watching (it's stinking cold...). but I managed to get a few shots of Ann and the gang. the first shot is of the gang playing poker and the the other is of Matt Lauer eating some of the food leftover from the cooking segment on the Chinese New Year.

After standing around for about 45 minutes I was too cold to stay outside so I went to the NBC Experience store where I bought memorabilia from the Today show and The Office.

More later!


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I'm back finallly.

I've been looking through my pictures in iPhoto and I found this one that I took when I was having a really hard time back in July of 2005. That was just before I found out I got into school and other weird stuff was going on. I remember distinctly the day. I was really pissed off (no, I think I was upset) and went for a walk during my lunch hour. I just started snapping pictures. I wasn't really thinking about specific shots, I just wanted to take pictures.

Looking at it now it's funny... you'd think the guy had no clothes on.... hmmm naked men.
