It Hurts to be Horizontal

Witty (or possibly lame) banter between two friends.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I'm back...

Sorry, I took a couple days off. Easier to me to blog from work than from home. Also, I had jury duty yesterday - but not today. Almost up for a 2nd Degree Murder Trial. Didn't get picked though... Am I less of a person?

Songs about obsession? I can't think of one off the top of my head. "Jennifer" by the Eurythimics (great song - performed wonderfully at Bumbershoot - soon after my break-up from my "Jennifer" - Jenny - who dumped me at my prom - BITCH! - oh, sorry...).

What about, what's that 80's song: "Human?" You know with the lyric (spoken - not sang: While you were gone, I was human, too.) That is, obviously, about someone sleeping with someone else - but that doesn't necessarily border on obession - right?

Jen-- Your life is a fascination amalgamation of a reality of artistic and passionate proportions. And what we find boring, we'll make exciting.

Scene three: Jen's first sexual experience. It was with Ramon, the 17 year old exchange student from Brazil who - though professing to be a virgin, had a tongue that could peel a grape. It was in the back of your Dad's Dodge Dart - the one with the flat and propped up on a cinder-block. With the "for sale - make best offer" sign on the window.

The sex was wonderful, magical, sticky - but who cares - you were selling the damn thing anyway.

Okay, maybe I've gone from "Exciting" to "Soft Core" but you get the drift...


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